

Accordion are flexible and easy to use. It will be perfect to manage huge amount of content and bring a neat look. With Accordion shortcode, you can create as many accordions as you want, choose different icons and set active accordion when loading page. You can collapse all accordions at loading page by setting value -1 for active-tab.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

I’m an active accordion after you opened to read. Click [-] to have this content hidden.

You can add many more thing into this content. Such as below image

Accordions are customizable. You can make your huge amount of content look neatly such as for FAQs, About Us Section,… You can think of much more when you need it.


Accordion are flexible and easy to use. It will be perfect to manage huge amount of content and bring a neat look. With Accordion shortcode, you can create as many accordions as you want, choose different icons and set active accordion when loading page. You can collapse all accordions at loading page by setting value -1 for active-tab.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

I’m an active accordion after you opened to read. Click [-] to have this content hidden.

You can add many more thing into this content. Such as below image

Accordions are customizable. You can make your huge amount of content look neatly such as for FAQs, About Us Section,… You can think of much more when you need it.

Horizontal Tab

About Tabs: Tabs is useful to handle large amount of content

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Vertical Tab

Quisque tincidunt dictum ipsum quis cursus. Mauris et urna et turpis placerat egestas. Mauris ultricies risus eu massa gravida pulvinar. Aliquam quam diam, egestas in imperdiet a, aliquam ut odio. Vivamus nulla neque, scelerisque eu hendrerit ut, molestie eu sapien.

Aenean a ante lacus. Fusce eget lorem sollicitudin, adipiscing magna at, cursus orci. Morbi a rhoncus risus, ac porttitor arcu. Mauris dignissim elit sagittis, dictum mi sed, faucibus mi. Cras facilisis nibh dui, vitae sollicitudin sapien sagittis ac. Donec purus enim, posuere ac vestibulum vel, ultrices non mi. Sed condimentum suscipit leo, ut lacinia sem molestie ut. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur lobortis nec eros a pellentesque.

Quisque tincidunt dictum ipsum quis cursus. Mauris et urna et turpis placerat egestas. Mauris ultricies risus eu massa gravida pulvinar. Aliquam quam diam, egestas in imperdiet a, aliquam ut odio. Vivamus nulla neque, scelerisque eu hendrerit ut, molestie eu sapien.

Quisque tincidunt dictum ipsum quis cursus. Mauris et urna et turpis placerat egestas. Mauris ultricies risus eu massa gravida pulvinar. Aliquam quam diam, egestas in imperdiet a, aliquam ut odio. Vivamus nulla neque, scelerisque eu hendrerit ut, molestie eu sapien.

Aenean a ante lacus. Fusce eget lorem sollicitudin, adipiscing magna at, cursus orci. Morbi a rhoncus risus, ac porttitor arcu. Mauris dignissim elit sagittis, dictum mi sed, faucibus mi. Cras facilisis nibh dui, vitae sollicitudin sapien sagittis ac. Donec purus enim, posuere ac vestibulum vel, ultrices non mi. Sed condimentum suscipit leo, ut lacinia sem molestie ut. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur lobortis nec eros a pellentesque.

Quisque tincidunt dictum ipsum quis cursus. Mauris et urna et turpis placerat egestas. Mauris ultricies risus eu massa gravida pulvinar. Aliquam quam diam, egestas in imperdiet a, aliquam ut odio. Vivamus nulla neque, scelerisque eu hendrerit ut, molestie eu sapien.

Aenean a ante lacus. Fusce eget lorem sollicitudin, adipiscing magna at, cursus orci. Morbi a rhoncus risus, ac porttitor arcu. Mauris dignissim elit sagittis, dictum mi sed, faucibus mi. Cras facilisis nibh dui, vitae sollicitudin sapien sagittis ac. Donec purus enim, posuere ac vestibulum vel, ultrices non mi. Sed condimentum suscipit leo, ut lacinia sem molestie ut. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur lobortis nec eros a pellentesque.


Counter can give your site a more visual look for showing your achievement, your work, your target or any interesting number to your visitors. Below we made an example.



Vivamus aliquam dolor vel dui dapibus, id vehicula urna.



Vivamus aliquam dolor vel dui dapibus, id vehicula urna.



Vivamus aliquam dolor vel dui dapibus, id vehicula urna.



Vivamus aliquam dolor vel dui dapibus, id vehicula urna.


Counter can give your site a more visual look for showing your achievement, your work, your target or any interesting number to your visitors. Below we made an example.

Basic Bar
Animated Stripped Progress Bar
Basic Bar
Another Color Bar
Stripped Bar
Animated Stripped Bar


Pie chart is a more visual way of demonstrating percentages than progress bar. The color element has a stronger impact, which makes the whole chart more eye-catching.


Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nos trud exerci tation ullamcorper.


Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nos trud exerci tation ullamcorper.


Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nos trud exerci tation ullamcorper.


Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nos trud exerci tation ullamcorper.


Dreamer is integrated fully with Font Awesome Icon set to give you numerous choice. Use your favorite icons with difference preset styles: Custom Icon, Filled Stack, Bordered Stack or just Simple one.

Simple Icon

Custom Icon

Filled Stack

Bordered Stack


You are able to use whole Font Awesome Icon set to make up your icon list. Below is just a small preview.

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…

  • Add the item here…


We bring you here some buttons at various size that you will absolutely need somewhere in your website for your Call To Actions. Below come different premade styles, with icons and text or with icons only. We also preset number of button color for your easy choice or you may custom your own. They are all at your hand now.


Responsive slider brings your site lots of slider options. You can create fully responsive sliders with fade or slide animation, showing indicator or arrow. It can be automatic slide transferred or with timer, text or image. And many more options comes in this shortcode that you can use for your slider customization.

Fade Animation With Indicator

  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job
  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job
  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job


 [slider animation="fade" slider_time="3000" slider_speed="600" indicator="true" indicator_position="top" swipe="true" visibility="all"][slide type="image" image="5580"][slide type="image" image="5578"][slide type="image" image="5577"][/slider] 

Auto Slide Animation

  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job
  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job
  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job


 [slider animation="slide" slider_time="3000" slider_speed="600" indicator_position="top" swipe="true" visibility="all" auto_play="true" pause_on_hover="true"][slide type="image" image="5580"][slide type="image" image="5578"][slide type="image" image="5577"][/slider] 

Random Slider With Timer

  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job
  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job
  • Sabbatical – ein Jahr Auszeit vom Job


 [slider animation="slide" slider_time="3000" slider_speed="600" indicator_position="top" swipe="true" visibility="all" pause_on_hover="true" indicator="true" auto_play="true" random="true" timer="true"][slide type="image" image="5580"][slide type="image" image="5578"][slide type="image" image="5577"][/slider] 

Text Slide With Navigation Arrow

  • fringilla @merito, nec venenatis sem posuere quis. Sed sed faucibus ligula.

    _ Mark Hain

    about 1 hour ago

  • fringilla @merito, nec venenatis sem posuere quis. Sed sed faucibus ligula.

    _ Mark Hain

    about 1 hour ago

  • fringilla @merito, nec venenatis sem posuere quis. Sed sed faucibus ligula.

    _ Mark Hain

    about 1 hour ago

Joboni, Jobportal Jobbörse Stellenmarkt Jobmarkt Stellenanzeigen Jobsuche Jobsuchmaschine Stellenangebote Vakanzen Jobs

Joboni ist Jobportal, Jobbörse, Jobsuchmaschine und Stellenmarkt für die Jobsuche und das eRecruiting in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Joboni unterstützt Firmen neben eRecruiting auch bei Employer Branding, damit Firmen sich in ihrer Rolle als Arbeitgeber perfekt präsentieren können.

Als Jobbörse und Online-Jobportal für den gesamt-deutschsprachigen Raum publiziert Joboni Stellenangebote und Stellenausschreibungen in der D-A-CH-Region. Auf Joboni publizierte Stellenausschreibungen werden neben der Online-Publikation auch via Job-Alert gestreut und (optional) auch auf Facebook in relevanten Jobgruppen gepostet, sowie auch über Google 4 Jobs (Beta).

Joboni Tags

Jobportal Jobbörse Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Jobportal, Jobbörse, Jobsuchmaschine, Jobmarkt, Stellenmarkt, Stellenbörse, Stellenangebote, Jobangebote, Jobausschreibungen, Stellenausschreibungen, vakante Stellen, vakante Jobs, Spezial-Jobbörse, Vakanzen, generalistische Jobbörse, Meta-Jobbörse, Microjobs, Minijobs, Midijobs, Vollzeit Jobs, Teilzeit Jobs, geringfügig beschäftigt, unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis, befristetes Arbeitsverhältnis, Online-Jobbörse, Online-Stellenmarkt, Online-Stellenausschreibungen, eRecruiting, Mitarbeitergewinnung, Personalgewinnung, rekrutieren, Recruiting, HR, Human Ressources, Personalvermittlung, Employer Branding, Arbeitgebermarke

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Joboni Jobportal Jobbörse
Im Nußgärtel 9
D-76534 Baden-Baden
Fon: +49 (0)7223 9919433

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